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2ginevo8 [2010/08/31 08:47]
2ginevo8 [2024/03/15 11:16] (current)
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 ====== Running a 2G DSM ECU in an EVO8 ====== ====== Running a 2G DSM ECU in an EVO8 ======
-This used to be a popular swap for a while back when the EVOs were new.  The interest seemed to die down a bit as guys started playing around with ECUFlash and EVOScan. ​ But for some reason, we're getting more and more requests for this information lately.  It seems people aren't entirely happy with that previous combination and are looking for some new and interesting options.+**__NOTE__: ​ THE INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE IS DATED. ​ THE INFORMATION BELOW IS BASED ON DOING YOUR OWN WIRE SWAPS USING A PLUG-N-PLAY HARNESS ADAPTER. ​ WE NOW PROVIDE A MODIFICATION SERVICE TO MAKE A 2G ECU PLUG-COMPATIBLE WITH AN EVO8 HARNESS. ​ WHEN USING A 2G ECU THAT'S BEEN MODIFIED LIKE THIS, MUCH OF THE STUFF LISTED BELOW CAN BE IGNORED.**  
 +This used to be a popular swap for a while back when the EVOs were new.  The interest seemed to die down a bit as guys started playing around with ECUFlash and EVOScan. ​ But for some reason, we're getting more and more requests for this information lately.
 So I thought I'd put this page up to help guys get the ball rolling. So I thought I'd put this page up to help guys get the ball rolling.
 +FWIW, I run with a 2G ECU in my own daily driver EVO8 using the same information below. ​ It all works very well.  Now that the fans have been addressed (see below), I have absolutely no problems driving the EVO8 on a 2G DSM ECU.  It drives just as well as it does on the stock ECU.
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 Obviously, you need to swap a few wires around on the ECU harness. ​ This is the list of the main things that need to be re-ordered. Obviously, you need to swap a few wires around on the ECU harness. ​ This is the list of the main things that need to be re-ordered.
-**Evo harness** -> 95 ECU+**Evo harness** -> 95-97 DSM ECU
 **22** -> 8 Swaps Fuel pump relay and AC relay control \\  **22** -> 8 Swaps Fuel pump relay and AC relay control \\ 
Line 15: Line 28:
 **10** -> 23 Inverts coil control for proper firing order \\  **10** -> 23 Inverts coil control for proper firing order \\ 
-**23** -> 10+**23** -> 10 (LEAVE 10 AND 23 ALONE IF YOU'RE USING A 97 ECU...DO NOT SWAP)
-**32** -> 20 Moves condensor fan control to ECU \\  +**32** -> 20 Moves condensor fan control to ECU (NO LONGER RECOMMENDED)\\  
-**34** -> 21+**34** -> 21 (NO LONGER RECOMMENDED)\\  
 +**NOTE:** Before wiring pins 32/34 to 20/21, read the fan control section below for a different approach that works better.
 **40** -> 13 Moves Cam and Crank sensor Ground supply **40** -> 13 Moves Cam and Crank sensor Ground supply
Line 26: Line 40:
 58 JUMPER TO 89 Do not swap, splice 89 (crank signal) to 58 (tach input) for proper tachometer operation. 58 JUMPER TO 89 Do not swap, splice 89 (crank signal) to 58 (tach input) for proper tachometer operation.
-56 Cut this wire, run a wire from 56 at the 95 ECU to pin 1 at the data link connector. Cut pin 1 wire at DLC, do not splice this in.+37 Cut this wire.  It provides the ECU with a power steering pressure switch indication. ​ This is used to raise idle when you turn the steering wheel. ​ But it causes more problems than anything else when running a 2G DSM ECU.  Just cut it.  It's not needed. ​ I have no dips in idle when turning my steering wheel with this wire cut. 
 +56 Cut this wire, run a wire from 56 at the 95 ECU to pin 1 at the [[https://​​images/​forums/​obdiiconnector.gif|OBD2 port in the car]] (note that the image is of the OBD2 connector ​in the car). Cut pin 1 wire at OBD2 port, do not splice this in.  You want the 95 ECU to be the only thing connected to this pin on the OBD2 port.
 ==== Patch harness ==== ==== Patch harness ====
-By all means, use a patch harness when doing the swaps mentioned above. ​ It's SOOO much easier to do this while working at a table inside the house/​garage than it is under the dash on your back.  It's a little pricey, but well worth it.+By all means, use a patch harness when doing the swaps mentioned above. ​ It's SOOO much easier to do this while working at a table inside the house/​garage than it is under the dash on your back.  It's a little pricey, but well worth it.  Some sample shops are below. ​ I'm sure there are plenty of others.
-[[http://​​cocoecupaha.html|Mach V patch harness]] +[[http://​​cocoecupaha.html|Mach V patch harness]] ​\\  
-[[https://​​customer/​product.php?​productid=260|Lancer Shop]]+[[https://​​customer/​product.php?​productid=260|Lancer Shop]] ​\\ 
 [[http://​​aem-ecu-patch-extension-harness-mitsubishi-evo-8-30-2983.html|Modern Automotive Performance]] [[http://​​aem-ecu-patch-extension-harness-mitsubishi-evo-8-30-2983.html|Modern Automotive Performance]]
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 ===== Known issues and work arounds ===== ===== Known issues and work arounds =====
 ==== Fan control ==== ==== Fan control ====
-Main Radiator ​Fan is always ​on when the key is on.+Until just recently (Nov 2010), fan control operation with a 2G DSM ECU in an EVO8 has been a little annoying. ​ The fans basically just ran all the time any time the ignition was on. 
 +=== Radiator ​fan notes === 
 +The EVO8 radiator fan is powered by a separate fan control module that expects to receive a pulse-width modulated signal from the main ECU to control fan speed. ​ The 2G DSM ECU does not do this.  The 2G DSM ECU only has two simple ​on/off outputs to control the low and high speed operation of the main radiator fan.   
 +So when running a 2G DSM ECU in an EVO8, the main radiator fan just kicks into a fail safe mode and runs all the time.  This can be a bit annoying. 
 +=== Condenser (A/C) fan notes === 
 +Condenser fan operation was a little sketchy too because the EVO8 configuration expects the ECU to control both the low and high speed operation of the condenser fan, but the DSM ECU (in factory form) only controls the high speed side of things. 
 +=== Solution === 
 +== Wiring changes == 
 +Make the following wiring changes to your EVO8 adapter harness, if you haven'​t already done so. 
 +**Evo harness** -> 95 ECU 
 +**21** -> 21 Connects the DSM's "low speed" output to the EVO8 fan control module 
 +**32** -> 20 Connects the DSM's "high speed" output to the EVO8 condenser fan's low and high speed inputs \\  
 +**34** -> 20 
 +== Code changes == 
 +Now we need to tell the DSM ECU to do three things differently. 
 +  - Invert the operation of the low speed radiator fan output (because the EVO8 fan control module expects an "​active high" signal) 
 +  - Activate both the DSM outputs (low and high) any time either one was supposed to be activated 
 +  - Activate the fan outputs when the A/C compressor ​is running 
 +You can do that with some custom direct access files. ​ Download these files: 
 +Save each into the following directory:​ 
 +__Windows XP:__  \\ 
 +C:​\Documents and Settings\<​username>​\ecmlink\resources\records 
 +__Windows Vista/​Windows 7:__  \\ 
 +__Linux/​Mac:​__ ​ \\ 
 +The directory should already exist, so if it doesn'​t,​ you may be looking in the wrong place. 
 +Once you have these files installed, bring up or restart the ECMLink application. ​ When you connect to your ECU, you'll have two new direct access entries. ​ Go into each of these and follow the instructions at the bottom of each panel to set the cell values to appropriate values. ​ Do this CAREFULLY as you are basically making direct code changes to the ECU code base! 
 +Once that's done and you have verified the wiring above is 100% correct, you should be all set to start it up! 
 +==== Idle control ==== 
 +The EVO ISC motor must provide more airflow per "​step"​ because default operation with a 2G DSM ECU results in idle surges as the car starts to move.  You can disable this using the patch listed below (you'​ll want to grab the moving idle disable file towards the bottom). 
 +[[https://​​wiki/​direct_access_changes|Custom Direct Access Files]] 
 +You may also find that having the power steering pump signal connected to the ECU can cause crazy ramps up in idle too.  To "work around"​ that, simply disconnect the wire leading to the pressure sensor ​on the power steering pump.  That way the ECU will simply never "​see"​ this signal and won't respond to it.
 ==== Injector scaling and default timing/fuel maps ==== ==== Injector scaling and default timing/fuel maps ====
-The stock 2G DSM maps were only calibrated by Mitsubishi up to about 14-15psi. ​ The stock EVO8 maps were calibrated a lot further out and with a nicer "​shape"​ to them.  We provide full details on how to configure ECMLink for EVO8 operation here:+The stock 2G DSM maps were only calibrated by Mitsubishi up to about 14-15psi. ​ The stock EVO8 maps were calibrated a lot further out and with a nicer "​shape"​ to them.  We provide full details on how to configure ECMLink for EVO8 operation here, including new timing and fuel maps copied directly from the EVO8 ECU.
 [[evo8v3settings|EVO8 V3 Config Settings]] [[evo8v3settings|EVO8 V3 Config Settings]]
Line 51: Line 135:
 ==== Idle switch and TPS ==== ==== Idle switch and TPS ====
 You must simulate the idle switch via DSMlink since the Evo does not use an idle switch. ​ This is trivial to do on the ECU Config->​RPM/​TPS tab.  You will also want to [[v3tpsadj|calibrate the TPS]] too.  ​ You must simulate the idle switch via DSMlink since the Evo does not use an idle switch. ​ This is trivial to do on the ECU Config->​RPM/​TPS tab.  You will also want to [[v3tpsadj|calibrate the TPS]] too.  ​
 +===== References =====
 +The following files will be most useful to someone looking to confirm the information above or to find a new way to approach some of the issues.
 +[[https://​​images/​forums/​rreevo8pinout.pdf|EVO8 pin out]] \\ 
 +[[https://​​images/​forums/​2GECUPinout.pdf|2G DSM pin out]] \\ 
 +[[https://​​images/​forums/​evo8mfi.pdf|EVO8 MFI schematic]] \\ 
 +[[https://​​images/​forums/​2GECUMFI.pdf|2G MFI schematic]] \\ 
 +[[https://​​images/​forums/​evo8cooling.pdf|EVO8 cooling schematic]] \\ 
 +[[https://​​images/​forums/​2gcooling.pdf|2G DSM cooling schematic]] \\ 
2ginevo8.1283258834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/08/31 08:47 by twdorris