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e85fuel [2009/10/08 20:33]
e85fuel [2024/03/15 11:16] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
 ^  Fuel  ^  Stoich AFR  ^  Gas ratio  ^ ^  Fuel  ^  Stoich AFR  ^  Gas ratio  ^
 |Gas  |  14.7|  1.00| |Gas  |  14.7|  1.00|
 +|E10  |  14.08| ​ 0.96|
 |E70  |  10.6975| ​ 0.7287| |E70  |  10.6975| ​ 0.7287|
 |E85  |  9.8526| ​ 0.670| |E85  |  9.8526| ​ 0.670|
Line 32: Line 33:
   450 / 570 - 1 = -21%   450 / 570 - 1 = -21%
Line 49: Line 51:
   450 / 640 - 1 = -30%   450 / 640 - 1 = -30%
 +===== Injector flow differences =====
 +As if it wasn't already complicated enough, the different fluid flow properties of ethanol compared to gasoline mean that your injectors are flowing a different volumetric flowrate! ​ So in addition to the different stoichiometric ratio, you have to also account for a different flowrate too.  This page has more details.
 +[[injdata-fueltype|Injector flowrate by fluid]]
 ===== E85 worksheet ===== ===== E85 worksheet =====
-One of our ECMLink users, Craig Starnes, provided the following Excel worksheet for calculating various values related to running E85, particularly with a mix of gasoline.+One of our ECMLink users, Craig Starnes, provided the following Excel worksheet for calculating various values related to running E85, particularly with a mix of gasoline. The spreadsheet allows you to enter the number of gallons of E85 and the number of gallons of gas, and also takes into account the actual E85 blend, percentage of ethanol in pump gas (usually 10% these days), and octane ratings. It provides corrected values for octane, ethanol percentage, stoich ratio and specific gravity.
-[[http://​​images/​forums/​Stoich%20Calculator%20For%20E85%20Blends.xls|Stoich Calculator For E85 Blends]]+[[https://​​images/​forums/​Stoich%20Calculator%20For%20E85%20Blends.xls|Stoich Calculator For E85 Blends]]
e85fuel.1255048389.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/10/08 20:33 by calan