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Injectors are thought of as simple devices. You grab a set of XYZ injectors off someone's website, adjust your global fuel scale and deadtime tables based on what they told you the injectors flowed and drive off. But if you've actually tried this, you probably already know it doesn't always work out that way.
This page is intended to explain why it's just not that easy and to explain why the services we provide can help, at least a little bit and at least with Mitsubishi ECUs.
It's also intended as a reality check to some extent as to what's physically possible and what's not.
Flow testing injectors is not easy. Well, it's easy to grab the basic flow data and post it up. But it's not easy to drill down into the details that really affect idle and part throttle driveability and why one set of injectors on one car seems to behave so different than another set of the same type of injectors on another car.
Nobody in the aftermarket community does this right for everyone and we're no exception. The whole problem is just too large and the operating environment (your car) is too uncontrolled.
The best we can hope to do here is to explain many of the things that make the process difficult and to explain what we do above and beyond to get you a lot closer out of the gate.
First, let's review some of the things that make getting exact numbers for your exact situation really hard.