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v3changelog [2012/04/24 09:44]
v3changelog [2017/04/22 15:25]
twdorris [3.33.115 (11/27/2016)]
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 +===== 3.34.150 (04/​22/​2017) =====
 +  * Added support for 64-bit Linux JVM (should auto detect at runtime)
 +  * Added row-based (left-to-right) and column-based (top-to-bottom) interpolation options to tables
 +  * Added scaling/​multiply option to tables and lists
 +===== 3.33.115 (11/​27/​2016) =====
 +  * Apparently 80 psi still wasn't enough… Extended boost field range on FPS, EGR and Boost (WGS) tabs from 80 psi to 117 psi.
 +  * Added airflow and boost-based fuel cut options to the ECU Config→Fuel tab. If you have a MAP sensor defined in your ECU Inputs tab, you can specify the pressure at which you'd like fuel cut. If you do not, you can use LoadFactor instead.
 +  * Extended LoadFactor upper limit. It's impossible to given an exact boost figure here, of course, because LoadFactor is based on the mass of air going into the cylinder per revolution of the engine which varies for the same manifold pressure depending on the volumetric efficiency of your setup. But it's //​roughly// ​ extended from about 70 psi to 140 psi.
 +  * This update includes proper application signatures for both Windows and MacOS as well as a new installation platform and a new underlying runtime library. Any one of these could cause problems…all three at the same time will surely cause someone some grief. So please report ASAP. [[​subject=ECMLink laptop application bugs|]]
 +  * New rpm and debian package distributions for Linux. Forewarning…there has been *zero* testing of these two items. We're tossing them up because they come for free with our new install platform. If someone needs them and gets a chance to test them, please let us know how it goes!
 +  * NOTE: Linux installations will require that you already have Java 1.8 installed on your system. Most distributions come with that by default these days, but just in case…
 +===== 3.29.64 (10/​15/​2014) =====
 +  * Extended boost field range on FPS, EGR and Boost (WGS) tabs from 60psi to 80psi for a few (OK, one) crazy individuals. This could get interesting!
 +===== 3.29.63 (10/​01/​2014) =====
 +  * The "Stop capture"​ action now creates a new auto-named datalog file and writes current stream and configuration data to it if no live datalog file had been established previously. Prior to this release, the decision to create a new auto-named datalog file was only made when the stream was started. But now the user can decide before or after a stream has been started whether to auto save or not. The "Start stream"​ → "Stop stream"​ sequence remains unchanged; as does the "Start capture"​ sequence whether followed by "Stop stream"​ or "Stop capture"​. The only sequence affected here is the "Start stream"​ → "Stop capture"​ sequence which now auto-creates a new datalog and dumps all previously memory-based datalog packets to the new file and initializes the datalog tab as though it had been created using the "Start capture"​ action.
 +  * "​File→Open"​ and "​File→Save as" will now default to the last "​accessed"​ directory whether established via "​File→Save as" *or* the auto-log-capture create process. Prior to this release, the auto-log process did not influence the initial directory where the "​File→Open"​ or "​File→Save as" dialog would start, leading to annoying navigation issues.
 +===== 3.28.121 (03/​25/​2014) =====
 +  * Added display item for base fuel pressure. If you're logging a sensor that produces a fuel pressure readout (AutoMeter2246,​ GMACPress or LinFuelPress) and you have manifold pressure in your log as well (GM3Bar, Omni4Bar, AEM35, LinBoost, etc.), then this display item combines the two to calculate a base fuel pressure reading.
 +  * This release is really just to bump up the application version number so that we can release a new firmware update to fix some bugs in the ethanol sensor release. The application will complain if it's connecting to an ECU with a firmware version later than the application version.
 +===== 3.28.106 (03/​10/​2014) =====
 +  * Added support for ethanol sensor functionality. Access to this function requires an [[http://​​apps/​firmwareupgrade|ECU firmware upgrade]] as well. This change adds a number of new loggable parameters as well, including FlexFreq, FlexEthMix, FlexOctWeight and FlexFuelAdj.
 +  * Added support for user-editable minimum injector pulsewidth. Access to this function requires an [[http://​​apps/​firmwareupgrade|ECU firmware upgrade]] as well.
 +  * Fixed minor display truncation bug in the Direct Access LTFTSelect table.
 +===== 3.27.92 (10/​28/​2013) =====
 +  * Fixed bug that caused an application lock after some direct access updates.
 +===== 3.26.90 (02/​28/​2013) =====
 +  * Added a new Direct Access table (CrankingFuelAdj) to allow adjustments to the temperature-based cranking fuel table in the ECU.  Also defined a new log parameter called "​CrankingFuelAdj"​ to view the ECU's adjustment to fuel taken from this table.
 +  * Extended ALS fuel adjustment range
 +===== 3.26.65 (02/​01/​2013) =====
 +  * Changed default launch behavior on Macs to require 32-bit JVM.  Hopefully this will help some users that are having problems with launching the app on a Mac.
 +  * Added HPbyAir that's basically just estimated HP divided by airflow in lb/min so you can chase after that magic 10:1 HP:air ratio! ​ :)  Thanks to Craig Starnes for the idea.  It's surprisingly cool to see this plotted out.  It really helps pinpoint areas where you might be giving up some HP.
 +===== 3.26.35 (01/​03/​2013) =====
 +  * Added support for coolant and boost "​windowed"​ parameters in EGR and FPS output controls. ​ **NOTES:** Applies only to full V3 with programmable output controls and you must [[http://​​apps/​firmwareupgrade|upgrade your ECU's firmware]] as well.
 +===== 3.25.42 (11/​27/​2012) ===== 
 +  * Fixed bug that had accidentally removed the OpenLoopThresholds direct access tab from 2G V3Lite in a previous release
 +  * Added new min/max selection options in the graph display'​s right click menu
 +  * Fixed labels in linear oil pressure display properties (they used to say fuel pressure instead of oil pressure)
 +  * Very slight optimization in connection timing that might help produce a more consistent connection attempt
 +  * Extended the fuel tab's "​calculate"​ dialog'​s maximum flow rate from 2000 cc/min to 2500 cc/min
 +===== 3.25.16 (09/​03/​2012) ===== 
 +  * Added generic linear oil pressure item
 +  * Added support for Autometer 2252 fluid temperature sensor
 +  * Fixed export datalog feature to better support international numbers with commas in them
 +===== 3.24.153 (04/​25/​2012) ===== 
 +  * No functional changes made.  This release only bumps the version number up to match the latest firmware versions.
 ===== 3.24.144 (04/​24/​2012) =====  ===== 3.24.144 (04/​24/​2012) ===== 
v3changelog.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/15 11:16 (external edit)