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ECMLink (V3) Firmware Changelog

3.18.64 (not released yet)

  • Changed MAF Clamp to work better with GM MAF sensors connected directly to the ECU. Previous versions did not work as well as we'd like with the choppy GM MAF signal. On some cars, the MAF Clamp function could get activated by a spike in the GM MAF signal that would never “unclamp”. This version addresses that issue by providing additional input signal smoothing to prevent momentary glitches from triggering the MAF Clamp function.
  • Corrected bug in 2G chips that kept optional DTCs disabled. Although the application showed that the DTCs were checked and enabled, the ECU was not actually performing those checks.
  • Fixed bug on 1G ECUs that could corrupt datalogging stream table when the ECU is first powered on for the very first time after installing V3.
v3firmwarechangelog.1242820112.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/20 07:48 by twdorris