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ECMLink (V3Lite) Screenshots
V3Lite is a smaller (but cheaper) version of our standard package. However, it's still fully capable of doing all the basic engine management you could want. V3Lite includes our MUCH enhanced logging system. You can expect to see up to 1100 synchronized samples per second from the factory ECU! We've been doing this stuff on Mitsubishi ECUs for over 10 years. We know how to make it work and work right.
You also get all of the following:
Injector and deadtime compensation
Fuel and timing adjustments using the stock tables
Rev limit control (launch, NLTS, and full engine rev limit)
Dash gauge control (on platforms where the ECU has control over a dash gauge)
Narrowband O2 simulation (so you can log A/F ratio from a wideband *and* run normal closed loop operation off the same signal)
Anti-lag during launch and between shifts
Knock sensor adjustments
Solenoid tests, fan control, fuel pump control, and a variety of other miscellaneous functions
DTCs - check and enable/disable various trouble codes
Input manipulation (log aftermarket sensors on ECU inputs while disabling the factory use of those inputs)
O2 feedback adjustment (so you can account for variations in feedback control caused by wideband sensors)
Throttle tip-in adjustments
Airflow smoothing
Airflow compensation (to run other Mitsubishi MAF sensors)
Adjustable long term fuel trim control points
Open loop thresholds
And last, but not least, we've decided to add a slightly smaller version of our Speed Density solution!! This allows for adjustments up to 8000 RPM and about 26psi of boost. You can still run beyond 8000 RPM and you can run more than 26psi of boost. You simply won't have adjustment points beyond those limits.
Screen shots below. Of course, you can click on the image thumbnail to get a better (larger) view. This is by no means a user manual. The ECMLink application includes a number of help pages built in. This page is just an overview to get a quick general idea of what the application is like.
Basic operation
 | The main device information tab showing connection status and device configuration details for the connected ECU. |
 | The main datalog screen showing the graph legend and a basic datalog sample. |
 | Basic graph preferences screen. The user can configure a number of unique items to account for personal display preferences or machine configurations. |
 | Individual graph item preferences can be configured as well. |
ECU configuration
 | DirectAccess is cool…very cool. It provides direct, low-level access to a variety of factory tables. This shot shows the ECU's target A/F ratio while running open loop. |
 | Basic antilag and knock control tab. |
 | Basic dash controls. |
 | Basic control over diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) |
 | Configuring ECU inputs is a good bit different in ECMLink (V3). Here you tell the application what's connected where and then you tell the ECU where it can find certain sensors and which inputs it should hide or lock from factory code because the sensors connected to those inputs may be missing or replaced with something entirely different. |
 | A collection of various “miscellaneous” things that don't really fit anywhere else. For example, activating the fuel pump or simulating the grounding of the timing connector. |
 | Enable narrowband simulation causes the ECU to produce and use a narrowband oxygen sensor signal based on a wideband oxygen sensor unit's signal. The simulated signal is a square wave indicating either richer or leaner than the Wideband switch point. |
 | Basic RPM limits and TPS adjustments. |