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ECMLink 101

This page is intended to orient the new user to the ECMLink system and, to some extent, ECU tuning concepts in general. If you just received your package and really have no idea where to even start, this is probably the page for you. If you already know how to tune an ECU and already understand basic engine operation, then this page is probably not for you.

  • Install/powerup/connect - Details on the basic process of installing the application and device drivers as well as powering up for the first time and connecting.
  • datalogging - Information about datalogs; what they contain, how to add items to them, how to view settings from them, etc.
  • getting started -
  • Engine and ECU 101 - You need to have a reasonable understanding of engine operation and ECU tuning concepts. If you already have an idea of how airflow and fuel flow and timing work together in an engine, then you can skip this page.
  • Fuel trims - Really understanding fuel trims and how they are used by the ECU can help immensely in fine tuning your setup.
ecmlink101.1235674311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/02/26 13:51 by twdorris