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ECMLink - Speed Density Setup

This page describes the basic process for getting your car setup for speed density operation with ECMLink. If you need a more general speed density tutorial, then the Speed Density 101 page may be what you're looking for. In fact, we're going to assume you already know everything off that page as we discuss items below. So it might be a good idea to read over it even if you're already pretty familiar with SD in general.

The basic process for getting a new SD system up and going is listed here. More details follow in the sections below.

  1. Connect IAT and MAP sensors to ECU
  2. Configure ECU for SD operation
  3. Dial in the VE table for your car

Connecting the Sensors

The first step is to connect your sensors to your ECU. You'll need a GM IAT sensor and an absolute pressure sensor. The following two sections list the supported sensors. A good source for the GM sensors might be GM Parts Direct. We also really like the EFI Connection for GM connectors.

For addition wiring and/or pinout information, please refer to our ECU Wiring Information page.

Air temperature - GM IAT/AEM IAT

Sensor Desc/part number
GM IAT GM Intake Air Temperature P/N 25036751, pig tail 12102620
AEM IAT The exact same as the GM IAT

You must connect your IAT sensor to the ECU's IAT input. This is the only input that's compatible with the speed density logic inside the ECU.

You'll want to use pin 72 (red w/blue stripe) on a 2G ECU harness or pin 8 (green w/orange stripe) on a 1G ECU harness for this. Or, more likely, you'll want to use those wires off the MAF harness under the hood since that's where the IAT sensor is actually being installed. ;-) The wire colors are the same on the MAF connector as on the ECU harness.

The IAT sensor has two wires coming out of it. Either wire can be connected to the ECU's IAT input.

The other wire should be connected to the ECU's sensor ground. That would be pin 92 (black) on a 2G ECU harness or pin 24 (green w/black stripe) on a 1G ECU harness. This can also be pulled from the MAF connector under the hood. The wire colors are the same on the MAF connector as on the ECU harness.

Absolute Pressure

Sensor Desc/part number
GM 3-bar GM 3-bar P/N 12223861, pig tail 15305891
GM 3.3-bar GM 3.3-bar P/N 9373269, pig tail 88987997
AEM 3.5-bar AEM 30-2130-50 (50 PSIA / 3.5 Bar)
AEM 5-bar AEM 30-2130-75 (75 PSIA / 5 Bar)

You wire up a pressure sensor much like you wire up any other aftermarket sensor for logging. The details of which can get complicated because there are several different inputs you can use and several different sensors. So it's hard to write up a COMPLETE how-to on this.

Our Aftermarket Sensor Install page is a good starting point. That page links to several other useful pages, including this example install of a GM 3-bar sensor on the 2G MDP input.

The basic process involves the following steps:

  1. Select an available ECU input you want to use
  2. Remove any existing sensor connected to that input
  3. Install the new sensor, providing any necessary power and ground connections to it
  4. Connect the sensor's output signal to the ECU's input wire you selected in step 1

Configuring the Software

First, make sure you have installed the latest version of our application off our downloads page. You'll want at least v3.18.182. Anything older than that may not even connect with your ECU.

Once you have installed the latest software, you can enable speed density operation by defining three things:

Engine Displacement, MAP Sensor Location and Type, and BaseMAF type

Engine Displacement

This one is trivial. On the Speed Density tab, there's a text box where you need to enter your engine displacement. The ECU uses this information to correctly calculate airflow. More information on this process is outlined in the SD101 page.

MAP Sensor Location and Type

Because you can connect your MAP sensor to any number of ECU inputs, you have to tell the ECU where it can find this sensor in order to use it for SD operation. You do this on the ECU Inputs tab in the “Pin Assignments for ECMLink Functions (ECU-side)” area.

BaseMAF Type

The final step is to tell the ECU to ignore incoming MAF data and calculate it from speed density data instead. You do that on the MAFComp tab by selecting “Speed Density” as your Base MAF type.

Dialing in the VE Table

sdsetup.1243958301.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/06/02 11:58 by twdorris