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whatdoineed [2018/12/29 12:05]
twdorris [Platforms]
whatdoineed [2024/03/15 11:16] (current)
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 ====== Simple stuff - the basics ====== ====== Simple stuff - the basics ======
 +===== What does it do? =====
 +ECMLink is a set of code modifications to the factory OEM chip that, along with a custom-designed flash module, provide a lot of additional logging and tuning capabilities not previously possible on those supported platforms. For a quick summary of what ECMLink does, click on the following pages.
 +  * [[:​v3summary|Feature summary]]
 +  * [[:​prodcompare|More details of features]]
 +  * [[:​ecmlink101|Getting started pages]]
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-First, let's get the simple stuff out of the way. ECMLink is compatible with at least the following turbo-charged platforms. ​ I've grouped them according to the "​special conditions"​ each grouping tends to have.  I'll try to make each grouping "​linkable"​ to a page with details about the special considerations of that grouping as I find time.+First, let's get the simple stuff out of the way. ECMLink is compatible with at least the following turbo-charged platforms. I've grouped them according to the "​special conditions"​ each grouping tends to have. I'll try to make each grouping "​linkable"​ to a page with details about the special considerations of that grouping as I find time.
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   * 1992-1995 Lancer 1.8L GSR   * 1992-1995 Lancer 1.8L GSR
   * 1992-1995 RVR   * 1992-1995 RVR
 ===== ECUs ===== ===== ECUs =====
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-ECMLink is only compatible with EPROM model ECUs. If you're not sure what that means, look at the [[:​socketid|Socket ID page]] for details. ​ Basically, it means your ECU must be one of the ECUs produced at the factory with an external EPROM chip.  We desolder that EPROM chip, install a socket in its place and then install our ECMLink flash module into this socket.+ECMLink is only compatible with EPROM model ECUs. If you're not sure what that means, look at the [[:​socketid|Socket ID page]] for details. Basically, it means your ECU must be one of the ECUs produced at the factory with an external EPROM chip. We desolder that EPROM chip, install a socket in its place and then install our ECMLink flash module into this socket.
-So check your ECU to find out if you have an EPROM ECU or not.  Another good page for reference is our [[:​epromid|EPROM ECU page]].+So check your ECU to find out if you have an EPROM ECU or not. Another good page for reference is our [[:​epromid|EPROM ECU page]].
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-If you do have an EPROM ECU, then all hope is not lost.  You can either locate a compatible EPROM ECU on various traders or classifieds or E-bay auctions. ​ Or we can often convert you non-EPROM ECU to EPROM for you.  Those conversions are complicated and more expensive than a standard socket job on an EPROM ECU and we're often out-of-stock on those conversion boards for weeks on end.  But we do still offer the service and even it's not currently listed on our website, we can sometimes allocate a spare conversion board for someone ready to order.+If you do have an EPROM ECU, then all hope is not lost. You can either locate a compatible EPROM ECU on various traders or classifieds or E-bay auctions. Or we can often convert you non-EPROM ECU to EPROM for you. Those conversions are complicated and more expensive than a standard socket job on an EPROM ECU and we're often out-of-stock on those conversion boards for weeks on end. But we do still offer the service and even it's not currently listed on our website, we can sometimes allocate a spare conversion board for someone ready to order.
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   * [[:​nonepromprocess|1990-1994 Non-EPROM conversion process]]   * [[:​nonepromprocess|1990-1994 Non-EPROM conversion process]]
   * [[:​nonepromprocess2g|1996-1997 Non-EPROM conversion process]]   * [[:​nonepromprocess2g|1996-1997 Non-EPROM conversion process]]
 +===== Laptop =====
 +ECMLink is not compatible with Android tablets or Chromebooks. You need a full blown Windows laptop or Windows tablet (Surface Pro, for example) or you need a MacBook or a Linux-based laptop.
 +Beyond that, any modern (within the last 15 years) laptop will suffice for running ECMLink. The CPU and/or processing demands of the application itself are pretty minimal. Just make sure you have a USB Standard-A port on your laptop (the typical host-style port you plug your phone and/or other devices into) and that's really about it.
 +The software and cable drivers can be downloaded off our website and [[:​ecmlink101install|full instructions are provided]].
 +====== More complicated stuff ======
 +Beyond the basic requirements,​ things get more complicated. At this point, decisions need to be made that often require some experience and wisdom or at least some decent engine knowledge and/or plans for what you want to do and how you want to do it. Often this involves a conversation with your tuner or good buddy that already knows this stuff. Some of the questions that should come up include:
 +  * [[:​airflowoptions|Do you want to run a factory MAF, speed density or a GM MAF?]]
 +  * Do you need bigger injectors for the amount of boost/​ariflow you plan to run?
 +  * [[:​widebandbasics|Do you want to run a wideband?]]
 +  * Do you need a boost sensor?
 +  * [[:​bcsoverview|Do you want the ECU to control your boost for you or do you plan to run a manual controller?​]]
 +  * [[:​ethanolsupport|Do you want to run an ethanol sensor to auto-adjust for gasoline vs. E85?]]
 +  * Etc., etc., etc.
 +The list is extensive and could go on for pages; but you get the idea. It's a lot of "​stuff"​ to mull over and each one involves additional items you may want to purchase at the same time.
 +And I hope you understand that given how varied all these setups and options can get (I just touched the surface with that list above), we're jsut not able to help everyone make all these decisions. It's an involved process that will probably carry forward with you for months, so it's something you either need to find someone local to help with or you need to get a full understanding of all these options and procedures yourself.
 +====== Placing your order ======
 +A **typical** order will involve the purchase of the ECMLink package itself along with socket service on an EPROM ECU. You can place that order on our website using this link and updating the options at the bottom of the page.
 +[[https://​​product/​ecmlink|ECMLink Ordering Page]]
whatdoineed.1546103150.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/12/29 12:05 by twdorris